Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Message from the Prayer Team

The Peru Prayer Team would like to thank each of you for your prayers during our trip. We faced many obstacles but God is in control. While on the trip God gave us the following verse –

“You must not fear them, for the LORD your God himself fights for you.” (Deut. 3:22)

Just as the Lord knew the obstacles that Joshua and Israelites would face when conquering the Promised Land, He knew the obstacles we would face on this trip. We knew that no matter what the obstacle the Lord could overcome it for us. There were obstacles but there were so many joys. Meeting people in the mountain who love the Lord, the children who came running to share a song, being able to walk the streets of the villages and pray for those that we met and the villagers who came to our rescue when the truck got stuck were just a few.

We feel blessed that God gave us the privilege of representing UBC on this trip and we thank the church for allowing us to represent them. We know that the task ahead is great but we are looking forward to seeing what God is going to accomplish with the teams that will be going this summer. Each of us can’t wait until we can go again!

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