Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Prayer Walk Trip in March.

The next step in reaching this region of Peru for Christ is to pray. We are announcing that on March 15th a team of six will be traveling to Peru for the sole purpose of prayer.

We are going on a prayer walking Journey which has a primary purpose of intercessory prayer "on location" in Peru. We don't have to go all the way to Peru to prayer-walk; prayer-walking can be done at church, in our community, on our block or anywhere. In "An Orientation Guide: Part One" by Dan R. Crawford, a missionary couple gave some insight into the purpose of prayer-walking. They said:

We would like to see a spiritual harvest but we are seeing none. We would like to say that we are busy watering seed that has been planted, but neither are we doing that. We'd like to tell you that we are faithfully planting seed for a future harvest, but this has not yet been our ministry. We wish we could share with you that we spend our time breaking up the soil for the planting of seeds. Not so. Quite honestly ours is a ministry of rock moving."

Our job as prayer-walkers is to help in the rock moving. Indeed this trip will allow us the priveledge of walking and praying among the rocks. So please take the time to pray for the prayer walking team as we prepare both physically (for the walking) and spiritually (for the praying).

1 comment:

UBC Peru Team said...

We are praying for your guys already, and are already eagerly anticipating all your amazing stories when you return. Jonathan and I both know the Lord will be faithful to you and cause the right people to cross your path at the right time. Enjoy your trip, be safe, and stay away from the Guinea Pig!
Love in Him, Jonathan and Melissa